UK Representative Of An Overseas Business Visa

UK Representative Of An Overseas Business Visa

The UK Sole Representative Visa is an initiative launched by the UK Government to boost, and stimulate, the UK economy post BREXIT. This program is designed specifically to attract overseas. non-EU companies to establish a new presence in the United Kingdom. The Sole Representative route is a business visa, and residency program, which allows foreign nationals, from an overseas company, to open a branch office in the UK. The main applicant, the sole representative, will receive full UK residency for themselves, and their dependents, with access to free education, free healthcare and a pathway to citizenship.

Who is eligible?

  • Shareholders of an overseas company.
  • Key decision makers / Senior Employees who are not shareholders.

What are the criteria?

  • The parent company must be headquartered outside of the United Kingdom.
  • The company must have been established for more than a year.
  • The company must be active.
  • The controlling stake of the company MU5t remain oversea5.

How long does the visa last?

You will receive a three-year residency permit (BRP).

  • The residency is renewed after three years.
  • After completing five years in the UK, you can apply for permanent residency (ILR).
  • After receiving ILR, the following year, you can apply for British Citizenship.

Who can go with me?

The main applicant, the sole representative, will be able to include his/her dependents in the application. Spouse and children under the age of 18. Dependents can work or study full-time in the United Kingdom.

What are UK Residency’s fees?

UK Residency’s fee for the processing and structuring of a sale representative application is  dependent on the amount of case hours involved, and the overall complexity of the case. Once  you have completed an initial consultation our expert team will be able to provide a quotation.

What are the government fees?

The government fees for the sole representative program are broken down into 2 payments:

  1. NHS – Initial Health Surcharge is £1,872 per applicant
  2. Government Administrative Fee is £610 per applicant


  • Step 1: Initial eligibility assessment and consultation.
  • Step 2: Contract issued.
  • Step 3: On-boarding process and case work begins.
  • Step 4: Business plan completed.  
  • Step 5: Application submitted and Client pays government fee.

Key Benefits:

  • Free education
  • Free healthcare
  • Citizenship – strong passport
  • Access to UK finance
  • Ease of doing business
  • Strong Currency
  • Diverse market
  • Strong legal system
  • Globalization and  travel freedom
  • Personal freedom
  • Human rights
  • Family security and
  • State protection
  • Infrastructure
  • World Class Institutions
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