Theatre Relief

Theatre Relief

We supply a theatre tax-relief services for companies who are thinking about making a claim for Theatre Tax Relief.

Using our expert perspective, we can assist in reviewing your industry-wide obligations and encourage your company’s tax relief. With our knowledge and experience, we can provide your firm a reduced tax burden or possibly make a repayable credit.

CapitalUK Tax Theatre Tax Relief service provides advantages for theatrical producers working to partially cover costs for an entire theatrical production. For each 100 of qualifying costs incurred, a deduction of 80 may be claimed, so the net expense is maximized to 65.

In case the business is losing, the loss may be granted in the UK and can be claimed as a refundable tax credit from HMRC, equal to 20 (25 for touring productions) of the surrendered loss. So, a refund of up to 16 per 100 may be returned to for productions that do not meet the conditions for a tax refund, and a refund of up to 20 per 100 may be returned to the productions that do meet those conditions.

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