Tax Disputes

Tax Disputes

From time to time, there will be disagreement between the taxpayer and HMRC. Sometimes, the facts of the case are in question, but it is also often the legislation itself that is in question.

Tax isn’t always black and white, and where this is the case, we are happy to argue your case in the strongest possible terms.

As a taxpayer, you have many rights, and we will ensure HMRC never forgets them. CapitalUK Tax have the specialist tax knowledge to assist with a wide range of tax disputes.

Disputes can arise in all sorts of areas outside of complete enquiries and investigations, including:

  • Employment status disputes.
  • Repairs v capital disputes.
  • Private usage adjustments.
  • Capital allowances.
  • Valuations for tax purposes.
  • VAT segregation of businesses to avoid registration.
  • Employee benefit disputes.
    [post_type] => finbuzz_portfolio
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