St Kitts Citizenship

St Kitts Citizenship

St Kitts and Nevis citizenship

Country Facts:

  • Gained Independence from UK in 1983.
  • Population approximately 55,000.
  • Capital City: Basseterre.
  • Official language: English.
  • System of government: Democracy – Federal Parliamentary  Constitutional Monarchy.
  • Prime Minister: Timothy Harris.
  • Head of State: Elizabeth II.
  • Currency: East Caribbean Dollar (XCD) pegged to USD at 1 USD = 2.70 XCD.
  • Economy: tourism, agriculture, light manufacturing.
  • Member of Commonwealth, UN, WTO, OECS, CARICOM, IMF,  World Bank, OAS.
  • Connectivity: Robert L Bradshaw Intl Airport – direct flights to/from London-Gatwick/Miami/Atlanta/Toronto/NY-JFK (British  Airways/Delta/United/American Airlines).
  • Citizenship by investment programme started 1984.

Who is eligible?

  • Must be over 18 years of age.
  • Meet the due diligence requirements.

Select one of the following two options:

  • A non-refundable donation to the Sustainable Growth Fund starting from USD 150,000.
  • Purchase of qualifying real-estate of a least USD 200,000 in Government approved projects with the option to resell after seven years


  • Months one-two:
  1. Initial due diligence.
  2. Sign Client agreement complete government forms and provide supporting documentation.
  3. If purchasing real estate, sign an agreement with the developer.
  • Months two – three:
  1. Application submitted.
  2. Government process and complete due diligence.
  • Month Four: On approval, necessary contributions are made.


  • Visa-free travel to 157 countries including the EU Schengen area, the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong Full citizenship with passport granted to main applicant, spouse, children, and parents or grandparents.
  • No personal income tax, gift tax, inheritance tax, or net worth tax.
  • No minimum presence is required.
  • Siblings of the main applicant or spouse, who are under 30, single and childless may qualify under the application if they are financially dependent.
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