Inheritance Tax Planning

Inheritance Tax Planning

When you have worked hard all your life to create a future you always dreamed of for you and your loved ones, it’s important to know that you will still be able to provide for your family after you are gone. Inheritance tax planning allows you to ensure your family will continue to benefit from your wealth by structuring your financial affairs in the most tax efficient manner thus allowing you to pass on as much as possible.

Inheritance Tax Planning is vital if you are looking to reduce the tax bill on your estate to help maximise the inheritance your loved ones will receive.

We can advise…

  • Individuals whose estate planning is close to the nil rate band or many times larger.
  • Techniques to mitigate inheritance tax on family homes, family businesses and investment portfolios.
  • On both lifetime transfers and wills.

Inheritance tax planning isn’t a subject most of us care to think about, but getting the right advice is imperative to make sure your wealth is passed to the ones you love efficiently and quickly.

Perhaps the most precious gift you can give your loved ones is time both when you are here, and after you pass away.  At CapitalUK Tax, it’s our mission to allow you to do just that by taking care of your financial planning both now and for generations to come.

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