Gaming Relief

Gaming Relief

Video games have emerged as one of the most lucrative and significant industries in Europe and the United Kingdom. They have gained a reputation as a popular activity as well as an integral part of digital culture and are now the most profitable business sector.

The government believes video games will be increasingly significant in the future of the economy. Therefore, the Video Game Tax Relief (VGTR) is available to ensure that companies in the industry can maintain the improvements they make.

The structure will provide business owners and organizations an incentive to get their taxes paid off, up to 20%. Like all tax obligations, it is a complex affair, and we advise companies seek professional guidance if they’re making claims.

Our accountants shall thoroughly discuss precisely what you are eligible for and help you with preparing and submitting a claim for it. One of our qualified accountants clear up your claim, making sure you are fully maximizing the amount you will be reimbursed for.

We’re experts at handling the tax needs of individuals and businesses working in a variety of industries, such as creative fields.

CapitalUK Tax Services is a company made up of high-performing accountants using innovative and trusted practices. If you want an accountant who expertise is in helping you optimize your logistics or envision a larger financial future, look us over.

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