Company Formation

Company Formation

Knowing what business structure to use when you set up a business can be hard, but if forming a limited company is right for you then using CapitalUK Tax to register your limited company is easy and we can normally arrange this to be done within 24 hours.

Our Company formation packages can include:

  • Advice on the pros and cons of incorporation in your own situation.
  • Appointment of directors.
  • Appointment of company secretary.
  • Issue of subscriber shares.
  • Registered office services.
  • Completion of all necessary minutes and resolutions.
  • Assistance in opening a bank account.
  • Tax review with regard to company formation – forming the company yourself and getting this wrong can be very costly!.
  • VAT registration.
  • Company registration for Corporation Tax.
  • Set up of Company PAYE scheme.
  • Book-keeping set-up advice.
  • Business plans.
  • Assistance with raising finance.
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