

Citizenship-By-Investment Program

An outstanding, Government-approved opportunity for you and your family to benefit from Grenada’s Citizenship by Investment Programme – presented by Ora Caribbean, a proven leading developer on the island.

The Grenadian  Citizenship-by-Investment Programme doesn’t require you  to live in or visit the country to apply. The Citizenship Programme requires a USD 150,000 donation  or a USD 220,000 property purchase.

Grenada is a member of Caricom and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, as well as being a member of the Commonwealth. Citizens of Grenada don’t pay foreign income, wealth or inheritance taxes on their worldwide wealth, and also enjoy visa free travel to 142 countries including China – the only Caribbean country with such access.

Who Is Eligible?

  • Must be over 18  years of age.
  • Meet the due diligence requirements.

Select  one of the following two options:

  • USD 150,000 non-refundable donation to Grenada’s National  Transformation Fund (NTF).
  • USD 220,000 minimum purchase of an approved business or  property from a government approved real estate project.  This property must be retained for a minimum of three years.  There is an additional flat government fee of USD 50,000 for  the main applicant and up to three dependents. Any further  additional dependents will be USD 25,000.

Due diligence fees are USD 5,000 for the main applicant and  USD 5,000 for his/her dependants 17 and older. Government  application fees are USD 1,500 per person. Government  processing fees are USD 1,500 for his/her dependants 18 and  older. Government processing fees for all dependants under 18  are USD 500.


  • Month one: Initial due diligence. Sign client  agreement, complete government  forms and provide supporting  documentation. If purchasing real  estate, sign an agreement with the  developer.
  • Months two to four: Application submitted and Government  process and complete due diligence.
  • Months five to six: On approval, government fees are paid  and necessary contributions made.  Passports are issued.


Coveted United States  E-2 Visa treaty

Unique to any Caribbean citizenship  programme. Grenadian citizens can take  advantage of a direct route to the US via the E-2 Visa treaty, that allows investors  to reside and work while managing a business in the US.

Entire family eligible for citizenship

Grenada offers you the unique opportunity to include all of your immediate family on your citizenship application – spouse, children, parents, grandparents and even unmarried siblings.

Visa-free travel to over 140 destinations

With a Grenadian passport, you can  enjoy visa-free access to all of Europe’s

Schengen Zone, the UK, Ireland, a number  of Balkan and African countries, India, China, Russia, and most of Central  and South America.

Speedy processing  60 business days

Grenada offers one of the fastest processing times in the Caribbean, with simple applications typically being approved within 60 business days.

Straightforward, fully digital process

There are no language or interview requirements involved with your application nor any need to travel to Grenada to apply for or obtain your citizenship.

University education opportunities

Citizenship offers you and your family the potential of lower cost fees for undergraduate degree education at St George’s University.

Attractive tax regime  

Foreign-sourced income for Grenadian citizens is tax-exempt and there are also no taxes on wealth, gifts, inheritance or capital gains.

Hassle free divestment

After the mandated 5-year investment holding period, divestment of your asset does not affect your citizenship status.

No investor nationality exclusions

Investors of every nationality can apply for a Grenadian passport, subject to meeting the minimum requirements – all applicants are subject to a strict, multi-tiered due diligence process.

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